Tummy Tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty)
Are you fed up of the excess skin around your stomach? Long for a smooth tummy that you can be proud of and that makes you feel the best version of yourself? Then tummy tuck surgery may be the right option for you.
What is tummy tuck surgery?
An abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as tummy tuck surgery is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves removing excess fat and skin from around your stomach. In some patients, the abdominal muscles may also be repaired and tightened during the procedure to ensure a long-lasting and smooth result.
Why have tummy tuck surgery?
Tummy tuck surgery eliminates loose skin from around your abdomen. The most common causes for this excess skin are as follows:
- Pregnancy
- Rapid weight loss
- Ageing
During pregnancy, your skin around your abdomen is not only stretched but in many cases your abdominal muscles are in fact broken and do not successfully recover known as diastasis recti. During your consultation I will be able to determine whether you are suitable for muscle repair. If you are, this means that during your abdominoplasty, your muscles will be tightened as well as the loose skin being removed. This not only provides an aesthetically pleasing result but can improve your posture as well as back pain.
You may also be suitable for tummy tuck surgery if you have lost weight rapidly and therefore carry excess skin around your stomach.
It’s important to note that although tummy tuck surgery is in many cases an excellent solution for excess skin, it is not a substitute for weight loss. Therefore if you believe your weight may fluctuate in the near future or perhaps there is a chance of pregnancy then we would suggest postponing tummy tuck surgery until your weight has plateaued.
Whether your excess skin is from pregnancy, weight loss or has simply happened over time, tummy tuck surgery is a fantastic solution for boosting your confidence and making every day life that bit easier.
The tummy tuck procedure
An abdominoplasty typically takes 2 hours to complete and will be performed under general anaesthetic.
A full tummy tuck procedure requires a horizontal incision between the pubic hairline and belly button meaning your scar is normally hidden under your bikini line.
If you are also having your abdominal muscles repaired, the skin will be lifted and the underlying muscles tightened. Your skin is then pulled down with excess skin trimmed before closing the incision with sutures.
Your tummy tuck consultation
Your consultation is the perfect opportunity to meet with myself and my team, find out everything about your procedure including risks, recovery and expected results and ask any questions.
I will also be able to evaluate your suitability for treatment to ensure that this procedure will offer you your desired results.
Procedure Info
Day Case or Overnight
General Anaesthetic TIVA
2 hours
1 week
6 weeks
1 to 2 weeks
6 weeks